Friday, January 23, 2009

Panic of 2009!

All the Presidential waltzing in the world won't stop the economy from gettin' down with its bad self...

TIME's Sean Gregory writes an article on the business of going out of business--professional liquidators. So, if you're searching for a job, running bankruptcies would make a great "How I Survived the 21st Century Depression" story...

Over at Mother Jones, Debra J. Dickerson opens her lede with a very funny election headline from The Onion (Black Man Given Nation's Worst Job)...but it's clear that, if Dickerson is grinning, she's clenching her teeth...
"Simultaneously, millions of blacks woke up on November 5 with yet another buppie made better off on their backs while they remain jobless in dangerous neighborhoods, their immediate futures no brighter for knowing that cornbread may start appearing at the White House Thanksgiving table."

Dickerson agrees (somewhat bitterly) that blacks need to stop working for social progress that only affects blacks, i.e. we should start funding shitty urban education AND shitty rural education. I really think black identity politics are drifting farther from the Al Sharpton/Louis Farrakhan/Jesse Jackson model...which is good and bad. But more good, I think. Is it a failure of race relations to admit no one gives a damn about one ethnic group's particular misfortune (at the hands of another, some might say)?
I think Dickerson wants to quote Killer Mike:
"The comment Kanye made was damn near right/
But George Bush hate poor people, be 'em black or white"
Listen to THAT great song here on YouTube And smile! I mean, he's gone!

This is KIND of about being poor, or at least, about a loss...from The Oxford American. Grant Alden writes about how he once had the coolest job in the world: music critic. Until the advent of The Blogger (cue scary organ music!). We would like to reiterate that this is not a blog, and we spend a lot of time listening to Rihanna, anyway.

So what is Obama going to do to fix all this shiz? My old friend Matt Rivera interrogates the news & editorial staff of Wall Street Journal in this awesome video

And just so we remember how good we still have it in America: The Guardian UK examines the children of Gaza, or, as I suspect, the next generation to fight Israel.

Lina Hassan, 10, was killed by an Israeli shell which hit her as she walked to the shops next to a UN school in Jabaliya on 6 January. “She asked me for a shekel to go to the shops to buy something for her and her brothers and sisters,” said her father Abdul, 37. “I heard the shell and I ran out. I saw her body lying on the ground … Was my daughter Hamas? Do you think a 10-year-old even knows the difference between Hamas and Fatah?”

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