Monday, January 26, 2009

Conyers for Sale!

As much as we love our new President, we are sick of looking at his cute ears 93478373 times a day. And we also think Michelle looked like a glittery stick of butter in her Inauguration (day) dress. For nighttime, we say...Charmin, anybody? So this Not A Blog will ignore the Ba-Rack-olypse, just for today.

In Slate, Ron Rosenbaum decodes exactly why we think Billy Joel is so gross. Other than the fact that he married this girl from Miami of Ohio who was a senior when we were a freshman, and she is now Katie Joel. Okay, her DAD was friends with Billy Joel, and totally sold off his daughter to the Long Island Lecher for...the master copy of "Scenes from an Italian Restaurant?" We guess she is really, really rich now...but we couldn't help beaming from our stained IKEA futon in our 550 sq ft apartment when Top Chef dumped Joel for Padma Lakshmi.

A warning on this article, courtesy of gmail chat:

Adrienne: ok. this writer is.... a lil ridiculous himself.
we: yes, he's pretty heavy-handed
Adrienne: hahaha
it's funny tho
we: it's kind of awkward seeing a "culture editor" stand up for the PEOPLE, you know?
Sent at 12:52 PM on Monday
Adrienne: hahaha.... oh no ash. he is standing up for the HIPSTERS.
Adrienne: hahahahahaha
we: (anguished screams)

The Detroit News lists off what assets the City of Detroit has left to sell to balance the nearly $400-million dollar deficit. According to the News, up to 1,500 of the city's 15,0000 remaining employees could be let quit this year. We're asking: How much could Monica Conyers fetch on the black market?
A serious thought: Examining the continued migration of folks from the city of Detroit,would the city ever proportionally lower the number of elected representatives? It's not like any of us are really benefiting from all this special attention

If you've got the time: A history of hedge funds in America guaranteed to turn you into a blood-boiling coal-smeared populist.

Stories to make you smile: Sk8ter boys (and girls!) in Kabul, and an essay from last week's called, "Pencils Down, Bottoms Up." Nostrovia!

One final note: Eating an apple is like...a race against time!

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