Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Just sayin'

one more thought: how much you wanna bet former-suburbanite-white-detroit-hipsters will count for 40% of today's votes?3 minutes ago from web

My latest article!

Alternate title: Sharing Needles at Detroit's First Acupuncture Clinic!

I'm on Twitter.

Twitter: Because I'm sick of texting people where I plan to be drinking that night.

Monday, February 2, 2009

NYT is Actually Quotable Today

"What are Americans still buying? Big Macs, Campbell’s soup, Hershey’s chocolate and Spam — the four food groups of the apocalypse."--Frank Rich, New York Times

"(Davos humor: What is the capital of Iceland? Answer: $25.)"--Thomas Friedman, NYT

Thursday, January 29, 2009

More Good News for Detroit's Positive PR Campaign

"Reporter Finds Dead Body In Ice Block on Normal Day in Detroit"

Yep, that's a real headline.

Raise it Up

(Today's picture courtesy of the Associated Press: Members of the Tamil Tigers marching in Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankan government has hemmed in 250,000 members of the ethnic separatist group and civilians to the northeastern corner of the island. The Sri Lankan government refuses to allow journalists and aid workers access to the front lines (or it just murders them), and the UN is helping solve the crisis by pointing fingers at everybody).

It can't get any more gloomy in America (we lost, what, 70,000 jobs on Monday?), but people everywhere are rallying against "The Man". "The Man" has always been around, but only Nation of Islam members and Rastafarians really complained about him. Now, "The Man" is like Dick Feld, the infamous Lehman Brothers CEO who was punched in the face in the company gym. And EVERYBODY hates him. You want to talk about uniting America? We think hedge fund bankers will do more for fostering a spirit of bipartisanship in this country than Obama ever could, especially if we lose another 2 million jobs because of this credit-default swap nonsense.
Today's Not A Blog will celebrate people everywhere sticking it to The Man. You should too.

(AP Photo by Haraz N. Ghanbari)

Lilly Ledbetter decided to fight The Man after more than 20 years working for way less money than the other male supervisors at an Alabama Goodyear plant. She took it to court, but the (totally non-partisan) Supreme Court ultimately ruled Lilly only had six months after her first paycheck was issued to sue for discrimination. Read Ruth Bader Ginsburg's minority opinion here. Obama signed a law today remedying THAT problem, even though Lilly is never going to get the money she is owed. Read Gail Collins' editorial here. Sam Dealey argues the Ledbetter Law is bad, because, like, what if every discriminated woman wants to sue for unequal pay? We can't afford that! We would like to further the equal rights debate by noting there are really no good articles on Lilly Ledbetter in today's papers. Clearly, the fight for equal press continues.

We are not exactly Big & Rich fans here at Not A Blog. But the country group's John Rich has a new song called "Shuttin' Detroit Down". We have to say, we're having a Woody Guthrie moment with this one, though we regret to report Cowboy Troy did NOT contribute a rap verse.
"Well, pardon me if I don't shed a tear
'Cause they're selling make believe, and we don't buy that here
'Cause, in the real world, they're shutting Detroit down
While the boss man takes his bonus-paid jets on out of town..."

(The Daily Telegraph: Strike in Lyon)

Paris strikes! The nation is crippled as 3/4 of the French decide to stay home and watch reruns of "Golden Girls" until Sarkozy comes to his senses and creates a stimulus plan.
Maybe now is the time for setting aside the tensions between the French and the Americans. After all, doesn't this sound familiar?
"There is a general feeling here of injustice, that the ordinary man on the street is paying for the greed of those in the financial sector."
Vive la revolution!

We don't like to quote the NY Times Opinion Page twice in one post...but Maureen Dowd says "Off with their heads!" Music to our ears!

To make you smile: An unnamed Virgin passenger completely bitches out Richard Branson on what appears to be an already digested Indian airline tray served to him on the Mumbai to Heathrow flight...It's not tuna fish, it's tuna sea kitten! Or so says PETA... The Economist chronicles PETA's aquatic obsession here....Philisophical thought from ESPN's Page 2 on the lost meaning in Super Bowl ads...Daniel Gross compares bankers to those vomiting dead girls in The Sixth Sense...

Baloney: Is Joaquin Phoenix's new rap career just a Borat-style mockumentary? Maybe. Is it inherently racist, as The Root argues? We guess so, if you also think Spinal Tap was an act of oppression aimed at silencing hair bands everywhere.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Conyers for Sale!

As much as we love our new President, we are sick of looking at his cute ears 93478373 times a day. And we also think Michelle looked like a glittery stick of butter in her Inauguration (day) dress. For nighttime, we say...Charmin, anybody? So this Not A Blog will ignore the Ba-Rack-olypse, just for today.

In Slate, Ron Rosenbaum decodes exactly why we think Billy Joel is so gross. Other than the fact that he married this girl from Miami of Ohio who was a senior when we were a freshman, and she is now Katie Joel. Okay, her DAD was friends with Billy Joel, and totally sold off his daughter to the Long Island Lecher for...the master copy of "Scenes from an Italian Restaurant?" We guess she is really, really rich now...but we couldn't help beaming from our stained IKEA futon in our 550 sq ft apartment when Top Chef dumped Joel for Padma Lakshmi.

A warning on this article, courtesy of gmail chat:

Adrienne: ok. this writer is.... a lil ridiculous himself.
we: yes, he's pretty heavy-handed
Adrienne: hahaha
it's funny tho
we: it's kind of awkward seeing a "culture editor" stand up for the PEOPLE, you know?
Sent at 12:52 PM on Monday
Adrienne: hahaha.... oh no ash. he is standing up for the HIPSTERS.
Adrienne: hahahahahaha
we: (anguished screams)

The Detroit News lists off what assets the City of Detroit has left to sell to balance the nearly $400-million dollar deficit. According to the News, up to 1,500 of the city's 15,0000 remaining employees could be let quit this year. We're asking: How much could Monica Conyers fetch on the black market?
A serious thought: Examining the continued migration of folks from the city of Detroit,would the city ever proportionally lower the number of elected representatives? It's not like any of us are really benefiting from all this special attention

If you've got the time: A history of hedge funds in America guaranteed to turn you into a blood-boiling coal-smeared populist.

Stories to make you smile: Sk8ter boys (and girls!) in Kabul, and an essay from last week's NYTimes.com called, "Pencils Down, Bottoms Up." Nostrovia!

One final note: Eating an apple is like...a race against time!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Panic of 2009!

All the Presidential waltzing in the world won't stop the economy from gettin' down with its bad self...

TIME's Sean Gregory writes an article on the business of going out of business--professional liquidators. So, if you're searching for a job, running bankruptcies would make a great "How I Survived the 21st Century Depression" story...

Over at Mother Jones, Debra J. Dickerson opens her lede with a very funny election headline from The Onion (Black Man Given Nation's Worst Job)...but it's clear that, if Dickerson is grinning, she's clenching her teeth...
"Simultaneously, millions of blacks woke up on November 5 with yet another buppie made better off on their backs while they remain jobless in dangerous neighborhoods, their immediate futures no brighter for knowing that cornbread may start appearing at the White House Thanksgiving table."

Dickerson agrees (somewhat bitterly) that blacks need to stop working for social progress that only affects blacks, i.e. we should start funding shitty urban education AND shitty rural education. I really think black identity politics are drifting farther from the Al Sharpton/Louis Farrakhan/Jesse Jackson model...which is good and bad. But more good, I think. Is it a failure of race relations to admit no one gives a damn about one ethnic group's particular misfortune (at the hands of another, some might say)?
I think Dickerson wants to quote Killer Mike:
"The comment Kanye made was damn near right/
But George Bush hate poor people, be 'em black or white"
Listen to THAT great song here on YouTube And smile! I mean, he's gone!

This is KIND of about being poor, or at least, about a loss...from The Oxford American. Grant Alden writes about how he once had the coolest job in the world: music critic. Until the advent of The Blogger (cue scary organ music!). We would like to reiterate that this is not a blog, and we spend a lot of time listening to Rihanna, anyway.

So what is Obama going to do to fix all this shiz? My old friend Matt Rivera interrogates the news & editorial staff of Wall Street Journal in this awesome video

And just so we remember how good we still have it in America: The Guardian UK examines the children of Gaza, or, as I suspect, the next generation to fight Israel.

Lina Hassan, 10, was killed by an Israeli shell which hit her as she walked to the shops next to a UN school in Jabaliya on 6 January. “She asked me for a shekel to go to the shops to buy something for her and her brothers and sisters,” said her father Abdul, 37. “I heard the shell and I ran out. I saw her body lying on the ground … Was my daughter Hamas? Do you think a 10-year-old even knows the difference between Hamas and Fatah?”

Reasons to write a "Not A Blog"

Courtesy of Adrienne Kabanuk:

i mean.... dont go into it worrying what other people will think because other people wont read it anyways
i mean maybe your friends
but come on... it is hard to get people to read
so really it is an ideal no pressure situation

Put a Ring On It!

Click here to watch my cousin David's acoustic cover of Beyonce's "Single Ladies."
Put a ring on him!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Detroit's Digital Underground: WDET Brings Back the Music

My article for this week, published in Model D Media. With great pictures (as usual) by Marvin Shaouni.

And you can listen to WDET here: WDET HD2