Monday, October 13, 2008

A Moment of Republican Support

It's not my interest to defend Sarah Palin's "terrorist" stump speeches. I mean, she's the one giving shout-outs to a Secessionist group.
But today's "Come ON!" column award goes to Fred Hiatt at the Washington Post, which mumbles that John McCain might be doing better (among liberals?) if he was running an "honorable campaign"

"And as the McCain campaign grew uglier last week -- casting Obama as dangerous, dishonest and un-American -- it was tempting to imagine the campaign McCain might have waged if he had based it on the respect for his opponent, and for the process, that he had long professed."

Hiatt "tries" to be fair by insinuating that Obama has been "insulting" McCain. Insulting?! Did he say that McCain was bitter and clinging to religion and guns?

"I'm sure, in the crazed intensity of a presidential campaign, it's easy to start believing your consultants and television ads -- believing that the other guy is dangerous and that only you can save the country. That must be especially true when the other guy is insulting you. The mud flies both ways in this campaign, with Obama and his allies relentlessly pounding McCain as out of touch, erratic, dishonest and, over and over again, dishonorable."

A moment of honesty: Neither Obama nor Biden NEED to make any stump speeches calling McCain reckless, dishonorable, dangerous, or an elitist shmuck. The media's already doing it for them. Gawker reports
that America's smartest + elitiestconservative reporters are now in the boat for Obama!!
Phew. Wouldn't want to be left off the bandwagon. There are so many freaking journalists writing on this campaign, yet the only article that seemed to leave any track marks lately was Rolling Stone's devastating profile on McCain, "Make Believe Maverick."
Or consider the NYTimes' stories on McCain's gambling habits or his purported affair with a lobbyist.
These journalists have been following these campaigns for almost two years, and they haven't been able to find ONE PERSON who blew lines with Obama? The National Enquirer posted that story about Palin's kids on Oxycontin within two weeks! Who's going back to Obama's days as an attorney to find out whether he was good at his job? What about his rise to power in Chicago? I refuse to believe there's a politician in this country who could rise from state Senator to in-the-running Presidential candidate with only funny ears, a racist preacher and a shady property deal to contend with. If the media has time to write these huge stories about McCain's past, then they need to stop using Dreams of My Father as a direct source in their Obama articles. It's shameful.

Here's the verdict: McCain's a fallen angel with a Faustian devil pact, as usual, but he's GOT to smear Obama and tell a bunch of lies about him. No one else will!

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