Thursday, October 16, 2008

Best Read Ever: Wednesday, October 16, 2008

Gail Collins, as usual, proves that all women don't write like Maureen Dowd; and that not all political theater can be referenced with a reality TV show (except she does reference a reality show...shit!)! Oh well. Here's the best paragraph I've read all day:

"Neither, to be honest, is everything we were hoping for when this all began. Back to that summer camp metaphor: Obama is like the coolest, most popular camper. You can’t wait to see him again after school starts. Then you discover that back in real life, he’s founder of the Model Boat Society and the president of the Safety Club. And McCain is like the head counselor who led all the hikes and who you wished was your older brother. Until you realized that he spent the cold weather hanging out at a biker bar and watching reruns of “Dog the Bounty Hunter.”"


Also worth reading:

Controversy! Roger Cohen and Timothy Egan of the NYTimes both went out in search of "lifelong Republicans" in America...who...omg...aren't voting for McCain! I am wondering whether a NYTimes reporter will be able to find a Republican who votes Republican (and doesn't scream "Kill him!" at rallies) before the election!
Odds: 20-80. This headline from Blogbuster on Egan's story is Onion-worthy.

Christopher Buckley's endorsement of Obama has led to his expulsion from the conservative camp...and his father's magazine. Maybe after Obama wins, Buckley will write a sequel about the McCain/Palin ticket called "Thank You for Choking."

The entire issue of this week's New Yorker is terrific, but if you don't have time to savor, read this: "Freakonomics" author Malcolm Gladwell writes about the link between genius and youth in art and writing. Should give legions of failed 45-year old authors new hope!

On writing: Best friend Adrienne sent me a terrific essay on the psyche of women writers in America in the feminist magazine Bitch. I wrote the author, Anna Clark, and it turns out we're neighbors! One more reason Detroit is cooler than wherever you live. Check out her blog for more stories.

Palin-pissing continues (see ALL major media columnists). Think Serious Campaign Journalists, with starry-eyed memories of 2000's Straight Talk Express, are upset McCain didn't pick them for vice-president. And Palin strippers!!!

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